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Additional Functions on Analyse page - multi-level searching and STP/NHS England regions

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Our technical team are busy improving how the engine room of OpenPrescribing. When they’ve finished we’ll get them to write a blog on exactly what they’ve done. In the meantime, as the work progresses we are able to add some additional exciting new features to the site.

Multi-level analysis

One of the limitations of how our Analyse page worked was the ability to only search at one BNF level at a time. For example, you couldn’t search for products and presentations together. However, now you are able to add any combinations you want, making this tool much more powerful. For example, it’s helpful when looking at broad-spectrum antibiotics: previously you could only include either cephalosporins and quinolones (BNF paragraphs), OR co-amoxiclav (a BNF chemical). Now you can include all of them at the same time.

STP and NHS England regional analysis

A little while ago we added dashboards for STP and NHS England Regional Teams. We’ve now added the ability to use these groupings on the Analyse page as well. This feature can show some interesting regional variations. For example this map shows a striking difference in the use of DOACs in different parts of England.

We hope to release some more features in the near future. As always we’d love you to get in touch about any aspect of the site. Just drop us an email at or visit us on Twitter at @openprescribing or Facebook.