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QIPP Planning: How To…

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…Identify CCG Cost Savings Opportunities using

Every year in the NHS local teams around the country put together “QIPP Plans”. QIPP stands for Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention and is a large scale programme introduced across the NHS to ensure the NHS delivers more for the same funding. We make no comment on the programme itself but we think OpenPrescribing is a useful tool in helping develop “QIPP Plans” and to identify new areas for savings related to medicines spend.

We have created a how-to guide, including some new video demos, showing you step-by-step how to identify a range of different cost savings opportunities for your CCG on, that can be used to inform your local QIPP plan. It can also show you cost savings for individual practices. Our new videos show you round specific parts of the site which you may find useful.

Savings opportunities you can find on OpenPrescribing fall into the following categories (click each link to go to the relevant section of the how-to guide):

  1. Price-per-unit (includes video)
  2. Low-priority items
  3. Selecting “cost-saving” from our standard measures (includes video)
  4. Ghost-branded generics
  5. Custom” savings

At the Bennett Institute we build and create tools like this for our users by all pooling knowledge and skills. We are a small mixed team of clinicians, academics, and software engineers and we pride ourselves on developing our tools in response to the needs of our users. If you have any further suggestions for topics on future “How to…..” guides or videos please get in touch at <>